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Portal Family Dentist

All information about Portal Cypress Family Dentistry & Orthodontics

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

Every tooth is recognized by their placement and function and when we talk about wisdom teeth they are flatter kind of teeth known as Molars. They are in the back of your mouth. Adults get three sets of molars on top and bottom and both sides of the mouth. From infancy through early adolescence, humans develop their first set of teeth, lose them, and get a whole new set again.


There’s a brief pause and then again, in early adulthood, the final set of teeth emerge. They’re called wisdom teeth because they’re the last teeth to emerge. You’re presumably “wiser” when these teeth come in. How frequently do people get wisdom teeth? Anthropologists believe that every human has evolved beyond needing wisdom teeth, so most of the people even never get any throughout their life. Wisdom teeth may go the way of the appendix and become completely unnecessary. According to researchers, it doesn’t matter if someday nobody had wisdom teeth anymore.


Why are wisdom teeth removed? Most problems caused by wisdom teeth are because they just don’t fit. Problems associated with wisdom teeth include crooked and crowded teeth, wisdom teeth growing in sideways, increased tooth decay, jaw pain and cysts under the gums and possibly tumors People having problems with their wisdom teeth mostly removed at a younger age tend to heal better from surgery before the roots and bone have fully formed.

This can very helpful for avoiding any potential problems before they start. Most of the time Portal Cypress Family Dentistry & Orthodontics recommend wisdom tooth removal before any orthodontic work, like braces, to ensure that these teeth don’t erupt later and undo all the hard work of shaping your jaw and teeth. 

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