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Portal Family Dentist

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Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Cold?

You might enjoy a nice cold drink or ice cream on a hot summer day. But if your teeth are sensitive to coldness, coming in contact with these foods and beverages can be a painful experience. Teeth sensitivity to cold isn’t uncommon if left untreated; sensitivity can worsen and progress to the point where you avoid certain foods and drinks.


What are the symptoms of sensitive teeth --The main symptom of tooth sensitivity is discomfort that you will always experience after eating or drinking something cold. This pain can occur suddenly, and the degree of sensitivity can be mild, moderate, or severe. After getting these symptoms you have to visit your Portal Cypress Family Dentistry & Orthodontics to get the idea about underlying cause as well as the most appropriate treatment to eliminate pain.


Causes of Tooth Sensitivity – Forceful Brushing can gradually wear down tooth enamel. This is the outer layer of the tooth which protects the inner layer. Excessive use of Acidic foods can also wear down tooth enamel and expose nerve endings. You should consume acidic food like lemon, orange, grapefruit, and kiwi in moderation, especially if you develop sensitivity. Sometimes the use of tooth whitening toothpaste can give you a brighter smile, but you may be sensitive to chemicals in these whitening agents. Regular use can cause discomfort and sensitivity. Mouthwashes containing alcohol can also make the teeth sensitive to cold.


Grinding your teeth while sleeping can also wear down tooth enamel and expose dentin. If left untreated, teeth grinding can cause sensitivity whenever you drink or eat something cold. An untreated cavity or a worn dental filling may also expose nerve endings in a tooth. And when exposed to coldness, you may feel pain or sensitivity in the affected tooth.

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